Membership Options
Beginning T’ai Chi: $100/6 weeks (You may take two qualifying classes per week: Beginning T’ai Chi–Saturday morning and Wednesday evening.)
Quarterly membership options: January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1.
You may join at any time. Our fee structure is based on a quarter (3-month) system, but we will prorate your dues if you join in the middle of a quarter. Our quarters begin on: January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1.
Unlimited (as many classes as you would like to attend): $297
Senior unlimited (65+): $197
Student unlimited: $197
Limited (one class per week): $197
Single in-studio class: $25
Single online class: $20
Paying for class
Credit card online preferred. Cash or check is also an option at the studio.