Wudang Newsletter
Chinese New Year Celebration and Potluck, Wandering Through China (Red Ribbons, The 12 Animals, Seal Script, Cranes). Creating a Home Practice
A Year of Gratitude, Save the Date: Chinese New Year Celebration and Potluck!, Winter Weather Update, T-Shirt Sale, Gift Certificates Are Now Available, Fundraiser Update: We Did it! Graduation News, Upcoming Classes, Farewell to a Friend
What’s New at the Studio, Graduation News, Excellence in Our Community, Class Schedule Update, Save the Date, Embrace the Neutral Space, Fundraiser Update
Our Fall Fundraiser Begins in October, Changing Seasons, Changing Classes, A New Class Begins October 17, New Meditation Session Begins, The T’ai Chi Symmetries Classes, Weapons Class, Mountain Meditations, Excellence in Our Community, Graduation News, The Sound of Silence, The Write Way to Learn T’ai Chi, A Sunny Summer Social
The Sizzling Summer Social Is Set Up to Celebrate the Season of the Sun, July Begins the 3rd Quarter, Excellence in Our Community, New Weapons Class August 7, New Meditation Session
Studio Renovations; The Sound of Silence, Refreshing the Decor, Free First Class Is Back, Summer Picnic at Wabun Park, New Time for Saturday Beginning T’ai Chi Class,Excellence in Our Community, Remembering Joanne Von Blon, T’ai Chi Timepiece
T’ai Chi in the Park, Weather Happens, Happy Birthday; Grandmaster Choi, T’ai Chi Saber Begins Wednesday, May 1, Upcoming Classes and Changes to the Schedule, Excellence in Our Community, The Rhythms of Life and Practice
Excellence Among Us, Excellence in Our T’ai Chi Community, Featured Member: Dennis Kelly, Upcoming Classes and Changes to the Schedule, Graduation News, A Bow to the Past and Present, Farewell to a Friend, Georgia Schlegle 1956–2024, Year of the Dragon Potluck
Let’s Celebrate! Current Class Schedule, Resolutions, T’ai Chi, and Better Habits
Studio Closing, Save the Date: Chinese New Year Celebration and Potluck, Fundraiser 2023: We Did It!, A New Year, a New Quarter, Let It Snow, It Was a Very Good Year, Graduation News, Upcoming Classes, Qigong and Meditation, Remembering Robert.
We clarify our full schedule of classes so that you can choose and attend all the classes that are right for you. The studio will be closed November 23 for the Thanksgiving holiday. See you in class.
New Classes This Fall, Our Fall Fundraiser Begins in October, Many Hands Make Light Work, Donation Premiums
Our Fall Fundraiser Begins in October, Celebrating Summer at Wabun Park, Fall Cleanup Reminder, New Classes at the Studio This Fall, Qigong and Meditation, Zoom link now online!, The Six Healing Sounds, 9 Amazing Facts About Water, Cooler Heads Prevail, Graduation News
In this issue: A New Fee Structure Begins in October, Simplifying Online Payments, Autumn Cleaning Project at the Studio, No Deficiency, No Excess, Upcoming Classes This Autumn, On Deception, Mountains, Meditation, and a Journey to the East, The Way of Outdoor Practice
Save the Date: T’ai Chi Summer Social!, Spring/Summer Shirt Sale, The Six Senses of T’ai Chi Ch’uan, In Memory of Paul B. Gallagher, 1944–2023
The New Shirts Are Here, A Lecture on T’ai Chi Ch’uan By T.T. Liang, Dancing With the Stars, New and Upcoming Classes, The Heart of Well-Being, Creating a T’ai Chi Practice at Home, Reflections on Gratitude By Sam Harris
Let It Snow, Fundraiser Update, When Eating Fruit, Remember Who Planted the Tree, On Doing Things Wrong, New Daytime T’ai Chi Class Begins in January! Shake Well and Live Well
Our Annual Fundraiser Begins in October! With Gratitude. Double Happiness at Our Summer Social. New Studio T-Shirts Upcoming New Classes. The Importance of Writing Things Down. Learning the Left Side of the T’ai Chi Solo Form. The Last Word: Advice From Professor Cheng Man-ching on T’ai Chi and Self-Cultivation. A Fond Farewell.
Summertime Is Q3 Time, New Studio Computer, Twin Cities T’ai Chi Summer Social, Graduation News, Under the Linden Tree, How Many People Does It Take to Run a T’ai Chi Studio?, Eliminating Three Faults, The Enigma of the Terra-Cotta Warriors.
Happy Birthday to Sifu Paul’s Grandson Arthur and Grandmaster Choi. Travels With T’ai Chi: Celebrating 40 Years of Practice. Join the Board and Make a Difference. Metarobics: Healing the Body With T’ai Chi and Qigong. Spring Is Here
Why We Should practice T’ai Chi to Music. By T.T. Liang. Time for Tee, Stretch, massage, and reactivate, your feet for optimum stabilization. Thich Nhat Hanh Oct. 11, 1926–Jan. 22, 2022. A note of thanks from Chris Knudtson
Weather or Whether Not, Home Sweet Home, Fall Fundraiser News: We Did It!, With Gratitude, Raising Cane, Wang Xiang-Zhai: Master of the Minimal, The Five Fundamentals of the Mind
Join Our Board and Help Us Grow, Our Mission, Vision Statement, Studio Values Statement, Our Annual Fundraiser Begins in October!, A Comedian Walks Into a Funeral Home, Learning and Mastering the Solo Form, The Art of Mastery, New class schedule.
Hip Hip Hooray, With Gratitude, A New Beginning, Bottom of the Second, On Failure, The Stances of the T’ai Chi Solo Form and Their Function, Plot Your Course With a Compass.
Schedule Changes, and New Classes, My Journey With FAI, The Benefit of Experience
A Short Biography of Grandmaster Choi, Key Points in the Practice of Liu Ho Pa Fa, Standards for the Practice of Chinese Internal Martial Arts
In this issue: The Evolution of Practice, The Yin Year of the Golden Ox, How Qigong Changes the Brain.
The Eight Active Ingredients of T’ai Chi, Creating a T’ai Chi Practice at Home.
2020 in review, The Five Family Styles of T’ai Chi Ch’uan, Wu-Style T’ai Chi at Our Studio, With Deepest Gratitude.
November/2020 Wudang
Hurry Up and Wait, We Did It! Let’s Do It Again, The Five Family Styles of T’ai Chi Ch’uan (Part 2) Yang Family Style, In Memoriam: Yang Zhen Duo (Yang Chen Duo) 1926–2020, Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life.
Our Fundraiser Officially Begins! New Class Schedule/ Studio Opening. The Five Family Styles of T’ai Chi Ch’uan. Graduation News. With Gratitude. Insights of a Buddhist Monk.
Our Fundraiser in 2020, T’ai Chi Helps Reinvigorate Stem Cells, Researchers Find, T’ai Chi as Moving Meditation, Staying Supple, Effortless Concentration, Yuangshuo (poem)
Studio Upgrade Complete, Zoom In to Online Classes, Blue Ridge Mountain High, The Importance and Simplicity of Meditation, and Five Discoveries and Stages of Meditation
The Studio Inside and Out, A Return to Asheville, With Gratitude to Our Members, A String of Pearls and, For Love in a Time of Conflict
State of the Studio, Online Survey about Zoom, Standing Meditation by Grandmaster Wai-lun Choi, and an Interview with Rupert Sheldrake.
May has arrived and with it the kind of weather that beckons us outdoors. I have had a couple of T’ai Chi and Qigong practices outside already and look forward to my next one without my shoes on. The plant world is in bloom, reminding us that life goes on in spite of the rhythm change to our lives brought on by the coronavirus.
We look at how T’ai Chi principles and practice can be guides to remaining calm and finding balance at a time of uncertainty. We also introduce our online training videos and ways to practice with them, discuss the shelter-in-place directive and our second-quarter needs, and more.
Be well, and stay safe.
The Spring equinox is almost here; a great time to begin or renew your T'ai Chi practice. In this issue: T'ai Chi and your immune system, learn the Microcosmic Orbit, Upcoming classes and more.
February has arrived and with it our latest newsletter. Check out the latest on T.T. Liang, upcoming classes, and more.
Happy New Year! In this issue we welcome new tutors, new classes, and our question of the month. Look inside and see our first newsletter of the New Year.
As we hear the winter solstice, it;s a good time to review the year. We also welcome in the new board members and tell you about some changes in the class schedule.
The month of Thanksgiving is here and there’s much to be grateful for and a lot happening at the studio. Take a moment to find out in this issue of Wudang.
Our October newsletter is here and filled with great info and beautiful images. Upcoming training and teaching opportunities, fundraiser and board search updates, what's all the bone beating about? and more.
As the fall season approaches, we have the upcoming fall fundraiser, a call for new board members, and a farewell to outgoing board president Adam Nelsen. And studio member Fran Myers has written an article on form practice.
This month we have an opportunity for you or someone you know to serve the studio as a member of the Board of Directors; we are looking for a president and two at large members. There is more on page 1 of the newsletter.
In addition, Sifu Paul shares a story about Tian Tan Park and answers a question about vagal tone.
Read about Sifu Paul's trip to China and some tips for practicing T'ai Chi in hot weather.
The studio is closed today but will be open with a regular schedule on Saturday. Enjoy this 4th of July - and maybe practice one or two of those tips for hot weather T'ai Chi.
Read about Sifu Paul's recent trip to China and a heartfelt thanks to ur very talented tutors. You can also check out changes to the class schedule.
Single straightsword, single broadsword, double broadsword, cane, and fan. These are the weapons forms we teach at Twin Cites T'ai Chi. This month Sifu Paul answers the question "Why Study T'ai Chi Weapons?"
You can also read about recent and upcoming promotional events and class changes
This issue has answers to two important questions:
What is double weighting?
What will Sifu Paul do on his upcoming trip to China?
And congratulations to six members who completed the Liu Ho Pa Fa Main Form. This is the densest and most challenging form taught at the studio.
Well, March does usher in spring time with daylight savings and the equinox. Learn a bit about how to embrace spring, incorporate it into our diets, and add a spring liver-sound QiGong to your practice.
Happy New Year. It is the Year of the Pig. Pigs' chubby faces and big ears may be considered signs of fortune. May this year be prosperous for all of us.
More greetings as well as the question of the month and updates on classes are included in this month's Wudang.
January is half over. And meteorological winter is half over. Before either gets too much further along, take a few minutes and read the Wudang. We honor the passing of martial arts Grandmaster Gin Foon Mark and take a look at the year ahead.
This issue features a look back at a pretty amazing 2018. And the question of the month is "What is Qigong?"
We have a new feature for the Wudang: Question of the Month in which Sifu Paul will provide information on principles, theory, history, applications, and other ideas on T’ai Chi, Qigong, and the other practices taught at the studio.
And you can see a recap of our 2 - 25 Celebration and status of the matching grant.
Our early autumn newsletter full of information, updates, and ideas. Enjoy
Summer seemed short this year, but fall will be upon us soon. To kick off that season we have:
An autumn matching grant
A 2-year and 25-year anniversary
New meditation and weapons classes
And more...
This month we are highlighting Sifu Paul's Healing Tao training in North Carolina. You can also read about the "dynamic duo" demo at the CONvergence convention and a new beginner-friendly meditation class that will start in September.
It's short and sweet this month. Read about some demo opportunities, enjoy a few quotes from Master Liang, and see what's changing in classes in July.
It was 100 degrees when Sifu Paul wrote the introduction to this month's Wudang. It's 75 degrees as I am getting ready to send this. If that reduction in heat was not enough to lower your stress, then read the major article this month on "Why Tai Chi Is the Most Underrated Workout for Relieving Stress and Improving Sleep."
Congratulations to Seth Taylor and happy anniversary to Lavonne Bunt. And upcoming class changes in July and demo opportunities July through next January.
The foundation of the complete system of T’ai Chi Ch’uan is the Solo Form. In this issue w review the 3 primary stages in learning the Solo Form (1) Relaxation, Posture, and Sequence, (2) Rhythm and Harmony, and (3) Breath and Energy.
And there's more, including
Congratulations to Ruthann Godollei,
Opportunities for a demo team
Paul assures us that the longer days we notice in the evening classes are really a sign of spring - and he welcomes he newest granddaughter into the world.
We are looking for people to help us grow the studio, in particular one or two additional board members and people who might want to serve as committee chairs. Read about it and think about it. If you or someone you know might be interested, email us or tell Sifu Paul. We can tell you more about what we need.
And we are cleaning house. Does spring cleaning count as another indicator that Spring is really here?
Meteorological spring began on March 1. Lunar spring begins on March 20. On the Chinese calendar spring begins halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. (And Mother Nature seems to have her own ideas these days.) Regardless, in this issue we introduce spring with a new Healing Tao class, graduation news, a soldier's perspective on T'ai Chi, and the MarsCon Chronicles.
Master Liang would have been 118 two weeks ago. We honor him with an article about T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Meditation, and the Five Stimulations.
New t-shirts are in. If you pre-ordered one, please pick it up soon. We ordered extras so if you didn't pre-order one, we have a few in stock for you to choose from. And think about where to wear your new shirt. We love the loyalty that you show by wearing it at the studio, but if you sometimes wore one to the gym or the grocery store or to work (if you have a casual dress code), it becomes great free advertising for us.
It's new year and a time for new beginnings. Part of that may be finding ways—or finding new ways—to incorporate a T'ai Chi practice into daily life and let it shape your day.
Meteorological winter started on December and astronomical winter will be upon us soon. This is a good time for reflection and celebration. During this month, we will be offering a Healing Tao Sampler on Wednesday evenings. And, in this issue, we celebrate our new website and our tutors.
It's nearly Thanksgiving and there is so much to celebrate and to be grateful for: three people who completed the solo form, renewed focus on vision and values, and the life of Doug Anderson. More on those things and changes to classes is in the Wudang. I've also attached the December class schedule.
Oh my gosh! It's our one-year anniversary as Twin Cities T'ai Chi with our new mission and leadership. We will celebrate at the Oct 7 Autumn Vision and Values meeting. There is lots of other news in this month's issue, including a special story about Jailhouse Tai Chi.
While the major summer time holidays and events are now behind us, this month's Wudang reminds us that there is still more to celebrate. We met the goal for the matching grant - but you can still contribute to the fund to support educational efforts. We have a community vision and values event in October. And the microcosmic orbit class starts later this month
“I can teach you, but I can’t practice for you.”
—Grandmaster Wai-lun Choi
You'll see that quote in this month's Wudang. Much of it is devoted to the difficulties of, the importance of, and, ultimately, the joy of practice.
There is also:
new baby news
continuation of the round up campaign
a fall event
and more
I'm not sure whether, as we enter the season of fire, there is any significance that I am sending this out on a day that will include a lot of fireworks. I leave that to each of you to decide. Regardless, there is a lot of "hot" news including:
New sign at the outside entrance
Congratulations to one of our members
Balance and T'ai Chi
Class schedule updates
Round up campaign for the matching grant
Hello Everyone,
June 1 was the first day of meteorological summer and a perfect time to start some outdoor T'ai Chi. Sifu Paul has already done some outdoor rounds and is looking forward to more; We have an amazing fundraising opportunity - a $12,000 Challenge Grant for Chief Instructor Education. The details are on the first page.
And there are some class changes coming up next session.
Hello Everyone,
June 1 was the first day of meteorological summer and a perfect time to start some outdoor T'ai Chi. Sifu Paul has already done some outdoor rounds and is looking forward to more; We have an amazing fundraising opportunity - a $12,000 Challenge Grant for Chief Instructor Education. The details are on the first page.
And there are some class changes coming up next session.
Hello Everyone,
The April newsletter is attached. Open it and see some of the beautiful intentions people wrote at the Golden Rooster Greets the Spring event. You can find out who has completed the solo form and see a charming picture of our newest member.
We have some changes to the class schedule which are described the newsletter. A copy of the spring schedule is also attached.
The March 2017 Wudang is attached. We welcome March, acknowledging the nearness of spring. Read about our upcoming Golden Rooster Greets the Spring event and a new collaboration with the Aliveness Project and learn a little about the new animal and new symmetries coming in classes this month.
Dear Members,
I am excited to share our new monthly newsletter with you, provided as an attachment below.In it you will find our new mission statement, our new studio logo, news of our upcoming spring celebration, upcoming classes, and more.
Please take a look and let us know what you think. I look forward to seeing you at the studio.
Warm regards,