Frequently Asked Questions
“The journey of a thousand miles begins
beneath your feet.”
— Tao Te Ching
How do I start?
If you are new to the studio and T’ai Chi, or have been away for a while and would like to ease back in, the Wednesday evening and Saturday morning classes provide complete instruction in the Yang-style Long Solo Form. At your first class, you will be asked to fill out a standard health waiver form, so please allow extra time for this.
What are the classes like?
The Saturday morning and Wednesday evening classes (see Class Schedule) include warm-ups and Qigong (a standing meditation practice), as well as small groups for more individual lessons in the first section.
When you complete the first section, you will be invited to join the 10:15-11:30 class on Saturday morning to continue with the second and third sections of the form. If you are coming on Wednesday evening, those sections are taught at the same time as the first section.
Once you have been oriented with six Saturday morning or Wednesday evening classes, you may also join the Wednesday fundamentals class at 12:30-1:45.
Where do I start?
The studio is located in the Dow Building on the southeast corner of University Avenue and Hampden Avenue. There is on-street parking, or you may park across University in the lot for the Wright Building.
Access to the studio is through the door on Hampden; it is controlled access. Someone will be at the door 10 minutes before class starts: if you are late, you may call the telephone number posted on the door and someone will let you in.
What do I wear?
Loose comfortable clothing is all that is needed. Shoes with good support are recommended, but not essential. To protect the studio floor, please avoid street shoes, especially during rain or snow.
Also, please avoid perfumes and strongly-scented lotions or laundry products.
Are there any other classes I could take?
The Saturday morning and Wednesday evening classes (see Class Schedule) are the only instruction periods for new students. Completion of the Solo Form in one of these classes is a prerequisite for all T’ai Chi classes.
How much does it cost?
The new member rate is $25 for a single class, or $100 for six weeks, payable by check or cash in the studio, or by credit card online. Please see the Membership Options.
What about COVID?
We follow the changing guidelines and recommendations of the CDC regarding COVID. We have four HEPA air purifiers running in the studio that are rated to filter COVID and make a complete air exchange five times an hour. There are six ceiling fans that also manage airflow.