Mission and Leadership
“The most important reason to study T’ai Chi Ch’uan is that when you finally reach the place where you understand what life is all about, you’ll have some health to enjoy it.”
Twin Cities T’ai Chi is dedicated to teaching the art, science, and spirit of T’ai Chi and related practices to improve the quality of life for its members and community.
To fulfill this mission, we teach traditional practices through methods that are clear, practical, and accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. We provide an environment that is safe and conducive for members to learn the arts at their own pace, develop tranquility and focus, foster healthful habits and self-confidence, nurture friendships and community, and experience more deeply the presence of vital energy, Qi or Ch’i, in their daily lives.
The Board
The Board of Directors works to ensure that we are on track with regard to meeting our goals, as well as to craft policies and procedures in support of those goals. The Board is currently comprised of six members:
Stephen May, chair
Nancy Brown, secretary
Michael Morley, treasurer
Tim Dennis, at-large member
Libby Frost, at-large member
Fran Myers, at-large member